This can be achieved by triggering a gem while another gem lies in the horizontal, vertical, or diagonal that the first gem affects. A lucky player can also sometimes arrange the gems so that their effects are chained together. Emeralds clear both the diagonals running through the cell occupied by the gemĮmeralds and rubies are both useful pieces to open up the board.Rubies clear all of the coins in both the column and row they are in.These two gems are special pieces that, when clicked (or selected using the space bar) will cause a special move to occur. In addition to the normal coins in Treasure Haul, players will also sometimes see rubies and emeralds on the board. A player scores more (and earns more booty for the ship) from combinations than from single matches of three of the same coins. Click or press the Space Bar to swap the two highlighted pieces.Īs in other puzzles, combinations are possible based on both the initial swap and the links that are created after the first set of coins are pulled aboard. Each time a link of three or more is created, those coins are hauled on board, adding to the ship's treasure.Īs an alternative to the mouse, you can also use the arrow keys to move the target around the board. The goal of the puzzle is to swap pieces to create links of three or more of the same coin type, either vertically or horizontally. Clicking with the target cursor will cause these two coins to change place. Using the target cursor, select any two vertically adjacent coins on the Treasure Haul board. However, it is important to note that the rewards available from hauling in a sinking situation are substantially higher than when engaging in an activity where your ship is not at risk. The amount of treasure therefore varies based on the target selected for hauling. The loot available to be Treasure Hauled is determined by the difficulty in obtaining access to the wreck (i.e., defeating a Brigand for an expedition tip, or downing a sea monster) or in the case of a player ship, by how much booty they were carrying. The puzzle will also end if all of the booty in the sunken ship has been retrieved. Players on a ship that ventures more than one square away from a haulable wreck will be forced to leave the puzzle. At the beginning of the next navigation round, each player on the ship will see a notice in the "Ahoy Panel" allowing them to start hauling treasure.

If your ship is directly over the wreck, the speed at which treasure is hauled is increased. This includes squares that are diagonally adjacent. In these situations, in order to start the puzzle, a ship must find the downed vessel or monster and stop adjacent to or on the square marked by the sunken ship's hull. When in an Atlantean outpost and near a downed sea monster or a long forgotten shipwreck.When a ship is in a blockade involving a Brigand King or is attacking a Brigand King flotilla and is near a wreck left by a previously sunk vessel containing treasure.

On Subscriber and Doubloon Oceans only, Treasure Haul is also available. In those cases, the Treasure Haul puzzle should start automatically.